What is mental health?

Welcome to what is mental health?

You might be thinking that mental health is just the nonexistence of a mental illness, well it's not that. Mental health is defined as a feeling of balance, of well being.

It is having the strength and resolves to cope with the challenges and stresses of what life brings us.

It is the ability to enjoy life, mental health difficulties or problems are expressions that may be employed to describe a temporary reaction or reactions to

  • External pressures
  • Physical illness
  • Lack of sleep
  • Systems of alcohol or drug use
  • Long time psychiatric conditions

How many of us can call ourselves mentally healthy?

Looking at the above, how many of us can call ourselves mental healthy? I suggest that there are more people that are mentally unhealthy out in the world today than many of us realize.

It is because of the stigma mental health carries which spans across cultures, that those in need of mental help don't come forward to get treatment.

Maintaining physical health requires a life long commitment for the best results and so does mental health.

Everybody's personal balance is unique; it is an ongoing learning process. The learning comes through our own life experiences and the challenge is to maintain the balance by keeping mentally healthy.

There is not much mental health promotion going on by non government or government or community-based organizations.

Where are the TV or poster campaigns? I don't remember seeing any. It is a situation that needs to change for the good of our society.

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