Sore throat remedies

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  1. Introduction to sore throat remedies
  2. Herbal Throat Lozenges
  3. Drinks and gargles
  4. Essential oils

Introduction to sore throat remedies


A sore throat occurs when the immune system responds to an infection or allergen and activates discharges inflammatory chemicals such as leukotrienes and histamines that cause irritation your membranes.

A sore throat usually means that you have picked up a cold or flu bug but it can occur as a result of strained vocal chords, allergies or irritants like alcohol and smoke.

Herbal Throat Lozenges


Three tablespoons of powdered licorice, three tablespoons of slippery elm and marshmallow, three tablespoons of red raspberry leaves, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper, ten drops of scented geranium, rosemary essential oil, sage, cornstarch and honey.

To make the lozenge, mix the ingredients with a sufficient amount of honey. Then add the rosemary essential oil and mix it well. When you have done that pinch off some small pieces and roll into balls then lightly flatten it to make a lozenge

Drinks and gargles


Cayenne and vinegar

Two tablespoons of sea salt, one teaspoon of cayenne, two teaspoons of vinegar and half a pint of warm water. Mix together and gargle.

Thymol and glycerin

Use one part of the glycerin and thymol mixture to three pats warm water and gargle

Red sage tea

Infuse a teaspoon of red dried sage in a cup of boiled water then cover it and leave it for ten minutes. When the ten minutes are up strain it and add a small amount of vinegar and drink.

Sage gargle

Mix twenty five grams of sage and a quarter teaspoon of sage with one pint of boiled water, let it cool then strain it through a sieve and then gargle.

Essential oils


Use olbas oil or garlic oil or use any of the essential oils of geranium, lemon, sage, thyme or hyssop and dilute in sunflower, almond or olive oil. Rub on to your throat and cover with a warm scarf. The oils can additionally be put in hot water and you can inhale the vapors through your mouth.

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