The five element theory of TCM

Page Content
  1. Introduction to five element theory
  2. Balance of the elements
  3. Generating cycle
  4. Controlling cycle



In traditional Chinese medicine, the five elements are known as Wu Xing. The five elements are Metal, wood, fire, water and earth.

The five elements constantly move and change. Like the five element theory in Ayurvedic medicine, connection between the human body and nature is all-important.

The connection between the physiology and pathology of the body is also important.

The idea behind five elements philosophy is to observe how everything interconnects to one another through the universe.

Balance of the elements


To be healthy and balanced, all elements in their body have to be balanced in TCM philosophy.

The relationship to the body and nature is interchangeable.

By taking the elements, joining them together, and putting them to practice in your daily life, there is the facility for you to appreciate how to remain healthy and balanced.

Generating cycle


After the five elements have been divided and completely understood, they are all put into the proper alignment and place. This is called the Shen Cycle also known as the generating Cycle.

Generating cycle
Metal carries the Water
Earth bears the metal
Fire creates the earth
Wood feeds the fire
Water nourishes the wood

When these elements are looked at, there are certain features that are analyzed. The analysis made also determines how it relates to numerous organs.

These five elements not only determine how the element relates to organs. It includes how emotions correspond with the numerous elements.

The idea behind five element theory is to observe how everything interconnects to one another through the universe.

Once opposing elements are put together, they cancel each one another out.

Controlling cycle


In the same generating cycle, it is possible for each element to destroy each other. This cycle is called Ko, or controlling cycle.

Controling cycle
Metal chops the wood
Earth smothers the fire
Fire melts the metal
Wood absorbs the water
Water rusts the metal

Once opposing elements are put together, they cancel each one another out. The philosophy of Chinese medicine believes both cycles are the natural order. Chinese medicine then takes that natural order to equalize an element, which is unbalanced in your body.

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