The three doshas

In ayurvedic philosophy, there are three main energies which are known as doshas.
They oversee body functions; they also mirror the five Elements. The following is an explanation of the dosha types in ayurveda.
Kapha is the force that forms your body's structure. Kapha supplies the liquid needed to nourish and give protection to your cells and bodily systems.
Qualities of Kapha
- Heavy
- sluggish
- damp
- greasy
- slimy
- soft
- static
- Sweet
Recognizing and Understanding these characteristics are important in ayurveda philosophy for self healing. Once there is an imbalance that has manifested, helpful treatment involves increasing opposite qualities.
In ayurveda kapha people are caring, nurturing, loving. They have a tendency to be full-bodied as well as well built.
They can have very good staying power, but have a tendency to put on weight as well as retain water easily.
As a result a person who has a Kapha mind-body type is advised to restrict sweet as well as heavy foods also eat lighter foods that have bitter, astringent and pungent tastes.
Vata is chiefly made up of Air and also Ether. The circulating nutrients and the waste in the body are provided by Vata. It also provides the energy force for fluid movement plus action within the body
Qualities of vata
- Radiance
- Dry
- rough
- cold
- mobile
- understated
- Clear
Vata types are usually slim and have a prominent bone structure. Vata's have a tendency to be very imaginative, intuitive as well as creative. Vata people often suffer constipation, dry, as well as itchy skin, and have a tendency to be troubled by nervousness and anxiety.
As a result, to achieve balance, a person who has a Vata mind-body type should strive to encompass foods that have counter-qualities of warm, moist and heavy. This would include the tastes of sour, sweet and salty. Ultimately, Vata groups need to involve more cooked foods and oils in their diet.
Pitta consists of water but primarily fire is the main substance. Its main function within the body? Converting and digesting substances to a more usable form.
Qualities of pitta doshas
- Light
- Liquid
- Acidic
- Mobile
- Sharp
- Hot
Pitta types have a tendency to have a average build along with strong muscles. Pitta types have a sharp personality. Pittas have a tendency to over-heat very easily and become angry and irritable. So to achieve balance, a person who is a Pitta type should limit pungent foods.
Everyone has a combination of all these Doshas. All these combination's are unique.
They define our mind-body constitution, this is also known as Prakriti.
Your Prakriti are unique doshas that you has when you were concieved, which stays all the way with you throughout your life.
It is necessary to comprehend and love our own Prakriti and maintain balance in order to attain health.
Similarly in Ayurvedic philosophy, the imbalanced state known as Vikruti must be addressed so that diseases and ailments can be healed.
It is important to note that when we experience something that is not our Prakriti, it as known as a Vikruti state.
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