Burdock plant

Page Content
  1. Introduction to burdock
  2. What burdock is used for
  3. How burdock plant is used
  4. Science says
  5. Cautions and side effects
Burdock plant

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Introduction to burdock


Burdock is native to Europe, Asia and Africa is a group of thistles from the Arctium genus.

The plants can grow as tall as 71 cm long. They commonly flower between the months of July to October.

What burdock is used for


Burdock is used for a variety of ailments. It is used as a blood purifying agent,diuretic and a diuretic and used topically for skin problems such as psorias, eczema and acne.

It is used in tradition Chinese medicine with other herbs to treat colds and sore throats.

Burdock root oil extract, which is also known as bur oil, is used in Europe to scalp conditions like dandruff, and stop hair loss.

The leaves of burdock are used by a number of burn care workers to speed up healing time and pain management in burn treatment

How burdock plant is used


Burdock is obtainable in a number of forms, including powered, capsule, fresh or dried root, fluid or tincture extract.

Science says


Burdock root powder has reduced blood lipid and body weight in obese rats.

The study was conducted by the Pharmacy College in Liaoning University of TCM, Dalian Liaoning.

The rats were given high fat feeds and their body weight, biochemical indices and weight of their gonad fat tissue were measured. Their blood lipid and body weight were considerably reduced.

Cautions and side effects


Pregnant women should not use burdock as it might damage the fetus.

You might have an allergic reaction if you are sensitive to daises, ragweed or chrysanthemums. Burdock is not recommend for diabetics as it might lower the blood glucose levels.

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